Lung Function Test (LFT) in Queensland

What is lung function test / Pulmonary function test / spirometry?

PFT is a simple breathing test to assess your lung capacity

It is ordered by a chest/lung specialist if you are suspected to have obstruction/restriction in your lungs and also differentiate between breathlessness due to lung or heart conditions

This simple test helps in grading the severity and assists in monitoring the improvement/deterioration of the lung disease

When should you undergo this test?

Visit lung/chest specialist if you have complaints of

  • Breathlessness which is increasing in severity
  • If you have ever smoked cigarettes/bidis/hukkahs etc
  • If you have persistent cough
  • If you are exposed to fumes in a factory
  • If your chest produces whistling sound especially with changes in weather

What is your role in spirometry / PFT?

Patient plays the most important role in spirometry. The procedure is divided into four stages

Stage 1:

Patient is instructed to take a deep breath in order to completely fill his lungs with air

Lung Function Test

Stage 2:

Patient is instructed to blast the inhaled air out like blowing 100 candles at one time


Stage 3:

Patient is instructed to blast the inhaled air out like blowing 100 candles at one time

Lung Function Test

Stage 4:

Here, patient is instructed to take a deep breath

Lung Function Test